I bet you're all wondering where I have been for the past month well I haven't really had much motivation for doing blog posts and I didn't want to force myself to write something which I didn't really want to write. I have also been suffering with a really bad sore throat for the past month so not been feeling myself. I just needed some me time really but now I am back and hopefully have a lot more inspiration for my blog! Sorry if there is anyone that has been wondering where i disappeared to but I am back!!
I have also decided that I am going to do a new schedule of uploading on a Wednesday and a Sunday at 5pm! I will then hopefully be able to work much harder on these posts instead of having to rush them if I haven't had any time to write any, then them not being my best.
Sorry for being absent for so long! Thank you if you read my blog it means a lot and I hope you continue to enjoy my posts like I enjoy writing them.
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Tag!
I've been tagged by Emma to do the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Tag. You can see her post here. I had never heard of this tag before but after reading Emma's you basically get given some questions from whoever nominated you, and just simply answer them. After I have answered them I will nominate some people.
- What is your favourite thing to have for breakfast? I love to have pancakes with either just butter or some honey on them. I usually onto have them with butter on though.
- What are your favourite TV shows to watch? I have always been a fan of Eastenders and Pretty Little Liars. But I also really enjoy Geordie Shore and Ex On The Beach.
- Do you collect anything? Not really if I'd say make up as it is something I am always buying and wanting more of. Especially MAC lipsticks.
- What type of music do you like listening to? What bands and songs are you loving right now? I can listen to pretty much anything, my music taste is always changing. But lately I have really been loving The 1975 and their new album.
- Do you have any pets? I have 3 Westies, a parrot, bearded dragon and a rabbit (the rabbit is my sisters).
- Where do you do most of your blogging (bedroom, study, train...)? I usually do my blogging in my bedroom but sometimes in my living room depending if I am watching something on TV.
- What is your current favourite perfume? My favourite perfume at the moment is Victoria's Secrets Scandalous or my Viktor and Rolf Bon Bon perfume.
- Where would your dream vacation destination be? There is so many places that I want to visit but I must say that I would give anything to go to America New York. It looks amazing and seeing pictures makes me want to go even more! Fingers crossed I will be going next year with my friends.
- Do you have a go to outfit? Recently my go to outfit has been my Toyshop Joni jeans, high neck jumpers or tops and my black boots with my leather jacket. That is literally all I wear at the moment, it's too predictable.
- What do you love most about where you live? There isn't much really to do, but it is where I have grown up so everything has it's memories to it. But the main city centre has improved so it is getting better hahaha!
- Do you have any phobias? I actually have quite a lot mainly insects like spiders and a weird one is flies I don't know what it is about them but I can't stand them. I could be here forever listing my phobias.
So I've answered my questions that Emma tagged me in now for the people I nominate...
- Kim - Blogobvious
- Liva - Livabambale
- Ella - Inkdreaming
- Erica - imbeingerica
- Emilina - emilinalove
- Lucy - ljlv
- Yasmin - YasminStefanie
- Paige - beautyandmexo
- Mollie - mollievictoriabeauty
- Paige - wanderthroughpaiges
Here are my questions for you!
- What would be your dream job if you could do anything?
- Favourite childhood memory?
- What are your favourite things to blog about?
- Favourite item of make up? and brand?
- When you aren't blogging what do you enjoy doing?
- What is your favourite time of year?
- If you could meet any celebrity who would you meet?
- If you could only use one social media site, which would you use?
- What are you passionate about?
- Guilty pleasure?
- What is your prized possession?
You don't have to join in if you don't want to but it's always nice to. If you do join in with this then please tag me as I would love to read yours!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 17 March 2016
BeautyBay Haul!
BeautyBay is something I have heard so many people go on about buying from for certain brands and I had put off buying something from there for so long, as I was suppose to be saving up...yeah that didn't really go to plan. I only purchased a few items as it was my first time ordering with them and didn't want to spend too much just incase. I am glad I did this as when I placed my order it arrived but none of my items were in the box, after speaking to them the only conclusion was that they got taken during transit. Luckily this was sorted quickly and they resent me the items after they had looked into the situation and I had them within a day. Anyways I received my items and they were perfect!
First off I have been wanting to try Gerard Cosmetics for so long especially their Hydra Matte Liquid Lipsticks I purchased two of these in Invasion and Ecstasy. I had wanted Invasion for so long as the colour was just so different and it was a colour that I needed to own. These were also my very first liquid lipsticks to try as I have only just got on the hype with these but I can definitely see me purchasing more in the future. At first I wasn't too keen on the lipsticks once they had dried because when you press your lips together they feel a bit sticky, which I did think would bother me but when I put the lipstick on and wore it out for the full day I realised that I didn't really notice the stickiness of the product. As it is a matte lipstick too some people can be worried that it is going to dry their lips out the next day, which I didn't really notice this but that could be just due to the fact that before I sleep I always put lip balm on.
They claim to be long lasting which is true I had mine on for over 6 hours and I didn't need to reapply within that time, which of course that is what you want if they claim it is long lasting. In the pictures you can see the colours are very similar apart from Ecstasy has more purple tones in it. These liquid lipsticks were £9.50 each which depending on your budget could be high priced or just in the middle. I am not 100% sure on if Gerard Cosmetics is seen as a drugstore or high end brand as they seem to be sat right in the middle just more to the high end side of the scale.
My next item I bought was an impulse buy from just seeing it, I knew I needed to purchase it. Lately I have been really enjoying contour, bronzer and highlighter it is one of the things I spend most of my time on when I am doing my make up. The Zoeva Rose Golden Blush Palette the Rose Golden packaging with embossed detailing is just amazing and definitely something which appealed to me. This palette has a contour/bronzer shade, highlight and a blush - which all work amazingly together. Another thing I love about this palette is the names for the products as they're based around Princess related words, which to me you can see from the palette it has that in my opinion royal elegant touch added to it. The price of this palette is £13 and in my opinion it was a £13 well spent as I am now just completely in love with this palette.

I can be quite picky when it comes to contour shades as I don't want it to be too orange on my skin or for it to look muddy. Zoeva have done an amazing job on this contour shade called 'Heavy Crown' as it is very light ideal for fair skin like myself, it is also very buildable so you can get a soft or a strong contour which can be blended out really easily. However it does take a good few times to actually get some colour pay off which sucks but I guess this is good if you're a bit too heavy handed.
The highlighter in this palette also has a gorgeous name which is 'Glowing Still' and when I first did a swatch with this it looked very white which made me worried that I was going to put it on and it would be super noticeable, this wasn't the case. It reminded me a lot of my Mary Lou from TheBalm but it wasn't as golden. It had more of a white iridescent colour to it which from all the highlighters I own none of them have this. I put both this and my Mary Lou together and they just complimented each other so well.
Finally the last product in this trio is the rose golden blush called 'Palace Door' which is a peach toned shimmer blush with rose gold mixed in with it. Applying this lightly gives a nice glow to the skin and compliments both the contour and highlighter, I didn't want to apply too much as it is easier to add than it is to take off. All the colours in this palette are super pigmented and creamy making them all easy to blend out. I can definitely see this becoming one of my holy grail products the only downside is there is no refill pans if you do need to replace them which is a shame.
I am really wanting to know some more good liquid lipsticks that are worth their money, so please let me know in the comments! Really want to get some more!!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
The 1975 Tour Manchester!
As I am writing this I am currently sat listening to their music wishing I was at the show again tonight. If you didn't guess from the title of this blog post then yeah I went to see The 1975 in Manchester at the O2 Apollo 13th March! On their 'I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.'
I have seen them twice in the past and knowing how good they were then I was even more excited to see what this tour would be like, especially with them having a new setlist with them bringing out their new album. On the previous tours they were so much more relaxed and it wasn't really the concert you would be stood up dancing because from listening to their songs they had laid back songs, however this time I was stood up for all of the concert which is something I had not done at the previous two concerts I had been to. But comparing their new album to their old one it is a lot more upbeat and does have songs which you can get up and dance to.
Matty from The 1975 whenever he sings the song 'Me' he always wants the crowd to not have their phones out and to just watch him preform that one song. This is something he has done every time I have seen them live as the song is very personal to him which you can sense that just from how he is singing it. They definitely know how to put on a show! When I first saw them it was soo different compared to other concerts I had been to.
I have been a fan of the 1975 for the past few years back when they would just post songs on YouTube and seeing how successful they have got over the years is unreal. For some reason I always get so emotional thinking about it, but of course anyone wants their favourite bands to do well in their journey. Their music is just different from everyday music which is what makes them stand out to me and what I love to this day about them.
All I can say is I had an amazing night and wish I could relive it over and over again. I also do kinda wish that I had bought more tickets to more shows just because I always have such a good time at their shows. If you are going to see the 1975 on their tour then I hope you have an amazing time! You won't be disappointed!
Are you a fan of the 1975? Have you seen them on tour? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
I have seen them twice in the past and knowing how good they were then I was even more excited to see what this tour would be like, especially with them having a new setlist with them bringing out their new album. On the previous tours they were so much more relaxed and it wasn't really the concert you would be stood up dancing because from listening to their songs they had laid back songs, however this time I was stood up for all of the concert which is something I had not done at the previous two concerts I had been to. But comparing their new album to their old one it is a lot more upbeat and does have songs which you can get up and dance to.
Matty from The 1975 whenever he sings the song 'Me' he always wants the crowd to not have their phones out and to just watch him preform that one song. This is something he has done every time I have seen them live as the song is very personal to him which you can sense that just from how he is singing it. They definitely know how to put on a show! When I first saw them it was soo different compared to other concerts I had been to.
I have been a fan of the 1975 for the past few years back when they would just post songs on YouTube and seeing how successful they have got over the years is unreal. For some reason I always get so emotional thinking about it, but of course anyone wants their favourite bands to do well in their journey. Their music is just different from everyday music which is what makes them stand out to me and what I love to this day about them.
All I can say is I had an amazing night and wish I could relive it over and over again. I also do kinda wish that I had bought more tickets to more shows just because I always have such a good time at their shows. If you are going to see the 1975 on their tour then I hope you have an amazing time! You won't be disappointed!
Are you a fan of the 1975? Have you seen them on tour? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Soap and Glory New Products For 2016!!
Soap and Glory have brought out a lot of new products to kick off 2016. I have been wanting to get my hands on these for a while now after seeing so many people talk about these products. Soap and Glory is definitely one brand that will always have a place in my heart, this was one of the first brands I used when I first started using make up. I went to my local Boots and was disappointed that they didn't have it so I had to travel into town to go to the bigger Boots which stocked it!
I didn't pick up much from the new line as I only got a few things which I was eager to try. The products I picked up were -

I also got a top up of my brow archery in blondeshell which is my holy grail and the only thing I use on my brows along with my gimme brow. I don't think I will ever be able to change as I have never found anything as good as that. It is the same thing I have used since I did my brows, that is definitely showing my love for this product as it gives a soft look to my brows. It is buildable if you want a strong brow but I personally think it works best for a soft brow.
Have you tried any of the new Soap and Glory products? What do you think of them? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Vanity Planet Ultimate Skin Spa Review
I have always wanted a Clarisonic but they were just always too expensive and I know when it comes to things like that I can use it endlessly and then not at all. So I was always open to a cheaper option but I wanted an option that would actually work. Then I came across Vanity Planet, I saw them after I was watching a YouTube video on their Skin Spa and they also had a discount code so instead of the product costing me $125 it had a discount where it didn't cost me half as much as what I would pay. Before purchasing it I watched a lot of reviews and also read reviews about this product and no one had nothing bad to say which I agree.
In the Ultimate Skin Spa you get a range of different heads for the machine which are:
- Daily Cleansing Brush which is made from soft bristles which are perfect if you have soft sensitive skin.
- Exfoliating Brush this is a lot more harder on your face as its main aim is to lift away any dirt from your face.
- Silicone Brush is there for when you want a deep but gentle clean which is ideal for dry or sensitive skin, the non-abrasive points work on gently removing any dead skin and unclog pores which will then prepare your skin for absorbing any face products.
It is recommended that for the best results with these brush heads that both your face and brush are wet prior to using the brush. To get the best from this brush with your product it is best that you keep the brush head flush to your skin, this is just to make sure that the motion of the brush is kept the same and doesn't reduce the effectiveness of it.
The machine is waterproof so can be used in the shower and runs on batteries so you don't have to worry about charging it up, I think this could have been a good thing for it as you could then leave it on charge over night but I guess using batteries isn't too bad - it is also batteries that you use in a day to day life so you won't have to go out hunting for a specific type when you receive your item.
I have used both the Daily Cleansing Brush and Exfoliating Brush so far and my skin felt amazing after using them, the facial wash that I used alongside this brush is the Soap and Glory Vitamin C Facial Wash. The movement of the brush head really helps to get into the skin and remove any dead skin. To me I find that when my face has been properly cleaned it works better with the products I put on after. I have also been trying to get a proper skin routine and I can definitely see myself working this into it.
If you're wanting a similar product to the Clarisonic I definitely recommend this, I would always look out for offers as they always seem to have offers on their site. The delivery isn't that bad either it takes around 2-3 working days which is just an added bonus (I think this product comes from america, not 100% sure though). The link for Vanity Planet and the Ultimate Skin Spa is here.
Have you tried this? or the clarisonic? What are your views? let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
February Favourites!
Over the month of February I haven't really had many beauty favourites it has been more of a mix of random stuff. So this post is just a bit random if I'm honest! I have been loving a lot of things throughout the month of February. So lets jump in!
MacBook Pro this was my biggest investment within the month of February and definitely one I don't regret. It has changed my life, like I am so happy I stuck to my guns and got a MAC instead of just getting a new laptop. I had needed a new one for soo long it was unreal but I put up with my old one until it was basically just not working just so I could save up more for my MAC and now that I have it. I am so glad I did it! If you're thinking of getting a MAC in my opinion I think it is definitely worth the money if you're happy spending that amount of money on a MAC. But definitely do your research before as you would with any other laptop. I have the 13" MacBook Pro with retina display.
Another favourite which I have already done a post on is The 1975's new album 'I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.' this and their other album have just been on repeat. I am going to see them at the end of this week too so I am super hyped for that! if you haven't yet got their new album I 100% recommend it to you!!
When I come to think about it I do have a beauty favourite which is my brow archery by Soap and Glory I only really can class this as a favourite from just not knowing how much I did love it until I didn't have it. Like when this ran out I didn't think my eyebrows would be the same with other products that I have. My eyebrows have never been something that I have wanted to try loads of products for and I definitely think my Brow Archery is going to be one of my holy grails for such a long time.
I don't have that many favourites for February but I am hopefully going to have a lot more favourites during March! Let me know what your favourites from February were in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
MacBook Pro this was my biggest investment within the month of February and definitely one I don't regret. It has changed my life, like I am so happy I stuck to my guns and got a MAC instead of just getting a new laptop. I had needed a new one for soo long it was unreal but I put up with my old one until it was basically just not working just so I could save up more for my MAC and now that I have it. I am so glad I did it! If you're thinking of getting a MAC in my opinion I think it is definitely worth the money if you're happy spending that amount of money on a MAC. But definitely do your research before as you would with any other laptop. I have the 13" MacBook Pro with retina display.
Another favourite which I have already done a post on is The 1975's new album 'I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.' this and their other album have just been on repeat. I am going to see them at the end of this week too so I am super hyped for that! if you haven't yet got their new album I 100% recommend it to you!!
When I come to think about it I do have a beauty favourite which is my brow archery by Soap and Glory I only really can class this as a favourite from just not knowing how much I did love it until I didn't have it. Like when this ran out I didn't think my eyebrows would be the same with other products that I have. My eyebrows have never been something that I have wanted to try loads of products for and I definitely think my Brow Archery is going to be one of my holy grails for such a long time.
I don't have that many favourites for February but I am hopefully going to have a lot more favourites during March! Let me know what your favourites from February were in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Get To Know Me Tag!
I thought I would do something a little different which can help you guys get to know me a bit more, so what better than to do the 'Get To Know Me Tag'. I have seen loads of YouTubers do this and I thought I would do it, as I haven't ever really spoke about myself on my blog. So lets get in and answer the questions!
Name? Paige (I'm not putting my full name for privacy)
Nicknames? Paigey, GazzaP, Gazza
Birthday? 27/12/1995
Place Of Birth? Leeds
Star Sign? Capricorn
Occupation? Sales Assistant
Hair Colour? Golden/Dirty Blonde
Hair Length? Long
Eye Colour? Blue
Best Feature? Probably my eyes or boobs hahaha!
Braces? Nope
Tattoos? None but I really want one!
Piercings? Nope
Righty or Lefty? Lefty
Best Friend? The person I have practically grown up with all my life.
Award? The ones in primary school like golden book or something??
Sport? Tag Rugby LMAO
Real Holiday? From what I can remember Cyprus but I'm certain there was more before that I just can't remember
Concert? Katy Perry
TV Series? Eastenders, Pretty Little Liars, Geordie Shore, Ex On The Beach
Film? I love too many especially romance ones like Love Rosie, The Notebook but I also love comedies.
Colour? Black, White and Grey
Song? I have way too many favourite songs!
Restaurant? Pizza Express
Book? I don't really read that much.
Shop? Clothing would probably be ASOS and make up I have too many.
Magazine? I use to always read reveal but now I don't really read magazines.
Shoes? Probably my black boots or vans/converse
Feeling? Nothing just my normal self
Single or Taken? Single
Eating? Nothing but I just ate some crisps
Listening To? The 1975's new album
Thinking About? These questions
Watching? Nothing
Wearing? My PJ's which isn't a shock
Want Children? Yes hopefully one day
Want To Be Married? Yes hopefully one day haha
Careers In Mind? Ideally I would love to become a make up artist
Where Do You Want To Live? Near my family but at the same time I would love to live in New York
Do You Believe In:
God? Nope
Miracles? Not really sure
Love At First Sight? Yes
Ghosts? Yes
Aliens? Nope
Soul Mates? Definitely!
Heaven? Not Sure
Hell? Not Sure
Kissing On The First Date? Never been on a date so I don't know
Yourself? I think so
I hope you liked this post it was something a little different compared to what I usually do, if you did like it and would like to see me do other tags then just let me know in the comments!!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 3 March 2016
I never really wanted to do one of these posts but there isn't a post today as I have just been lacking any motivation, it has been a really bad week for me so far and I have tried to do numerous posts but reading them back they haven't seemed any good, and when I write my posts I want to be able to write what I feel and when I feel like this it's really hard to write anything good.
Hopefully I will be much happier next week, I am seeing my friends tomorrow so hopefully that should cheer me up, it usually does. Just everything gets a little too much sometimes. I am sorry about there being no post today but I will try my best to get one up on Sunday! I have a lot of reviews of products I have tried and I have a lot of ideas which I am now going to start working on!
It would be great if you could leave some suggestions on posts which I could do, I want to try and mix things up a bit rather than it being similar things all the time. Let me know in the comments some ideas!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Hopefully I will be much happier next week, I am seeing my friends tomorrow so hopefully that should cheer me up, it usually does. Just everything gets a little too much sometimes. I am sorry about there being no post today but I will try my best to get one up on Sunday! I have a lot of reviews of products I have tried and I have a lot of ideas which I am now going to start working on!
It would be great if you could leave some suggestions on posts which I could do, I want to try and mix things up a bit rather than it being similar things all the time. Let me know in the comments some ideas!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
The 1975 have eventually released their 2nd album!!! To me I have been waiting for what feels like a lifetime for this to happen and the other day my wishes had come true! The 1975 have made a comeback and changed their whole aesthetics before they were always black and white but now with the new album they have gone pink and white. The music is quite similar to their old stuff but it is still very different.
To me I have been a fan of them for quite some years now back when they would just post videos on YouTube and from listening to their old stuff and now their new stuff, it reminds me of a story as some of the new songs have reference back to old ones. I instantly recognised this I don't know if this was intentional of the band or if it was a complete accident but it makes it some more enjoyable, that there is some relevance to the start.
The 1975 have always incorporated songs which actual lyrics but also just songs which have no words, which is something i have never seen done before by any artist. Another thing which makes them different to everyone else. Their song is very different but I think they're one of them bands that can appeal to everyone!
Some of my favourite songs from this album are;
- Somebody Else
- The Sound
- A Change Of Heart
- Lostmyhead
I do love every song on this album as well as the name of the new album 'I Like It When You Sleep For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It' yeah it is a pretty long name but it's different and not something you would expect an album name to be, and if you know the 1975 you would know that they LOVE to be different.
With the new album being released it has got me much more excited for their tour as they definitely know how to put on a show, but with them also having a new aesthetic I am quite excited to see how the show is different. I have been to two the 1975 concerts in the past and even though the setlist was the same it was just as enjoyable. I will probably do a post on my experience at the concert and give my views on it, so just look out for it!
Have you heard the new album? What do you think? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
To me I have been a fan of them for quite some years now back when they would just post videos on YouTube and from listening to their old stuff and now their new stuff, it reminds me of a story as some of the new songs have reference back to old ones. I instantly recognised this I don't know if this was intentional of the band or if it was a complete accident but it makes it some more enjoyable, that there is some relevance to the start.
The 1975 have always incorporated songs which actual lyrics but also just songs which have no words, which is something i have never seen done before by any artist. Another thing which makes them different to everyone else. Their song is very different but I think they're one of them bands that can appeal to everyone!
Some of my favourite songs from this album are;
- Somebody Else
- The Sound
- A Change Of Heart
- Lostmyhead
I do love every song on this album as well as the name of the new album 'I Like It When You Sleep For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It' yeah it is a pretty long name but it's different and not something you would expect an album name to be, and if you know the 1975 you would know that they LOVE to be different.
With the new album being released it has got me much more excited for their tour as they definitely know how to put on a show, but with them also having a new aesthetic I am quite excited to see how the show is different. I have been to two the 1975 concerts in the past and even though the setlist was the same it was just as enjoyable. I will probably do a post on my experience at the concert and give my views on it, so just look out for it!
Have you heard the new album? What do you think? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 28 February 2016
L'Oreal Infallible Sculpt New Range!!
At the end of 2015 L'Oreal brought out their Infallible collection which consisted of foundation, primer and setting spray. However they have now brought out another part to the Infallible range which is the sculpting side, this consisting of contour, highlight, blush, mascara, eyeliner, contouring base. On the release of these new products Superdrug had put together packs which were the 'My 3-Step Contouring Kit' these were available in Light/Medium and Medium/Dark for just £15.99. Which considering that just buying two of these products would cost you over £15 you're getting quite a bargain. I think it is only available online at Superdrug.
In the light/medium kit you get;
- contouring base in shade 01 light.
- contouring palette highlight and contour in 01 light/medium.
- blush trio in 102 nude beige.

My ultimate favourite from this new collection is the contouring palette where you get a highlight and a contour shade in it. When you first go to use it you typically think it's a cream product but to my surprise when I went to apply this it went to a powder formula!! The contour shade is my go to contour shade it is a shade I have been wanting to try find for soo long which goes well with my complexion. It is quite cool toned but it does bring warm to the face, you certainly don't need a lot of this product which I did find out when I came to trying them out but even if you do apply a bit too much it can blend out so easily giving you a seamless contour. I haven't tried the highlight in this palette yet but I'm sure it will just be as good as the contour shade. Another thing about this is that you get a piece of paper in it which shows you how to contour for your face shape, as it gives you a range of different face shapes and how to contour and highlight the best for that shape.
Blush has never been a thing I have got into but this year I am going to try and use blush a lot more when doing my make up, as I did find it makes me look more alive and brings the warmth back into my cheeks. The blush I got in my kit is a gorgeous golden/nude colour. You can use all three colours together or just use them separately, they're highly pigmented which is a bonus. When applying these colours they're super creamy and go onto the skin in an effortless way. So if you're after a really bronzy look then the Nude Beige shade is definitely for you! They have also got two other blushes which I don't own which are Soft Rosy which is all pink toned and Soft Sands which I am guessing is the blush which you get in the Medium/Dark kit.
It is definitely worth it's money if you're wanting to try this range, just remember that the contouring base is basically the same as their true match foundation so if you already have this you might not want to purchase this kit and instead go for the separate items. I'm 100% sure you won't be disappointed with these products though! L'Oreal have definitely brought out some amazing products for 2016 so far!!
Have you tried the Infallible Sculpt range? What are your views? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 25 February 2016
The Future...
When I was in school the future never seemed to bother me I always thought just take life as it comes, this is still my view but when I left sixth form/college it became realistic that I was now out in the big world. Nothing at all can prepare you for that. I was never certain of what I wanted to do when I left school/college which it did panic me, but from what I thought I would want to do it took a major turn. I now know where I want to see myself and that's a make up artist or something within the make up industry. Obviously it is a lot harder for me to get into this work as I am not qualified and just self taught but I am saving up so I can go on a course which will make me a qualified make up artist.
I currently do have a job which is nothing make up related at all, but it's something which just obviously helps me live. I never went to university I just never saw that path for me. I do hope that I do eventually become a qualified make up artist in the future. It's just a waiting process for money and the right course. I do want to also carry on blogging as I have really started to enjoy it, I kind of wish I did continue to stick at it when I had my old blog but I just got too occupied and caught up in other things.
I was never over interested in make up when I was growing up so this was never a thought of mine when I was growing up, but when I took a major interest in it I knew it was something I wanted to do. I guess I'm writing this post to tell you about my plans and that if you're in school or university and not quite set on what you want to do in the future, then it's okay not to have a set plan because why plan your life out? It's always changing!
This is a pretty short post as I didn't want to go on rambling at you hahah!
Did you ever have any struggles like this? What did you do? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Halsey Badlands Tour Birmingham Show!
On Saturday 20th February I saw Halsey at Birmingham, this was my first time seeing Halsey I took my sister for her birthday but I am also a fan of her so I thought kill two birds with one stone. Also I don't think any of my friends are a fan of her so I couldn't ask them to go with me. The two opening acts were okay I can't remember their names but to me at concerts the opening acts I never pay much attention to them.
Halsey definitely knows how to put on a show, it was quite an intimate show as it was in an academy so they tend to be a lot more intimate than a arena gig. I prefer these because of how intimate they are but if you compare these to arena gigs the artists tend to be smaller and really appreciate their fans not saying people who do arena's don't but after watching Halsey preform one of her songs she practically got up on the barrier and got as close to the crowd she could and spoke about being close to the fans is what she likes rather than being up on stage. Which this got me thinking how much more intimate these type of concerts are.
I didn't really take many pictures or videos at Halsey's concert, which I think from now on I am going to do this a lot more often as you can really enjoy the show yourself rather than thinking about taking pictures and videos all night. You feel a lot more connection from the artist this way. Everyone obviously feels differently at concerts but its someones place where they are able to just let go without anyone judging etc.
In my opinion Birmingham o2 Academy isn't the best place I have ever been as I thought the organisation of the whole event was awful, there was hardly any staff outside so you didn't know where you had to stand. Inside it wasn't too bad but when everyone stood up it took the staff around 2 songs to eventually get everyone sat back down which usually past concerts I have been to they have got them sat down straight away. I would go again definitely and I would again see Halsey without a doubt!!
My next concert is The 1975 which I am so excited for, I have seen them twice before this will be my third, and they are another band that know how to do an amazing show. I will probably do a post on my experience when I go.
What are your favourite types of concerts? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Halsey definitely knows how to put on a show, it was quite an intimate show as it was in an academy so they tend to be a lot more intimate than a arena gig. I prefer these because of how intimate they are but if you compare these to arena gigs the artists tend to be smaller and really appreciate their fans not saying people who do arena's don't but after watching Halsey preform one of her songs she practically got up on the barrier and got as close to the crowd she could and spoke about being close to the fans is what she likes rather than being up on stage. Which this got me thinking how much more intimate these type of concerts are.
I didn't really take many pictures or videos at Halsey's concert, which I think from now on I am going to do this a lot more often as you can really enjoy the show yourself rather than thinking about taking pictures and videos all night. You feel a lot more connection from the artist this way. Everyone obviously feels differently at concerts but its someones place where they are able to just let go without anyone judging etc.
In my opinion Birmingham o2 Academy isn't the best place I have ever been as I thought the organisation of the whole event was awful, there was hardly any staff outside so you didn't know where you had to stand. Inside it wasn't too bad but when everyone stood up it took the staff around 2 songs to eventually get everyone sat back down which usually past concerts I have been to they have got them sat down straight away. I would go again definitely and I would again see Halsey without a doubt!!
My next concert is The 1975 which I am so excited for, I have seen them twice before this will be my third, and they are another band that know how to do an amazing show. I will probably do a post on my experience when I go.
What are your favourite types of concerts? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Simple Spotless Skin Spot Fighting Review!
Lately my skin has been awful I don't know if a product I have used has caused it to break out but it definitely wasn't great! It was the worst my skin has been for a long time! So I decided I would try give Simple a try as I have heard so much about this brand but never been one to give it a try. I saw that they had something which was suppose to help with blemishes instantly. I read the reviews and as they were all good I thought why not give it a go. They were also on offer at half price which was an added bonus. The products I tried from this range were;
Simple Spotless Skin Triple Action Face Wash it is said that with this product you should be able to see results from the 1st day of using it, which I 100% agree with as the redness in my spots had gone down and they were starting to fade. I'm glad I decided to try this product when my skin was really bad so I could give a full opinion on if it worked etc which it did! I am still using it but I will definitely be repurchasing this product. RRP £2.49 (this is with a third off on Superdrug)

I also saw the Simple Spotless Skin Spot Zapper which I wasn't going to originally get but with my skin being so bad I wanted practically everything just to try and reduce them down. According to this product it is suppose to help reduce spots within 4 hours of them appearing, like who wouldn't want a product that does this?! When I first tried this product I had a freshly clean face after using the face wash and you could feel it working as it tingles when you apply it to the affected areas. This is definitely a quick alternative if you have a new spot appearing, this might have worked faster for me if I had this when my spots first appeared but I didn't. After using it though the next day I saw a big difference which I'm guessing is from both of these products. RRP £3.65 (this is with a third off on Superdrug)
If you have had a bad break out then I definitely recommend this product for you, it has helped to take the redness down in my spots dramatically! Or if you suffer from acne or spot prone skin then this should really help your skin. Simple products are suitable for all skin types even sensitive so they don't cause no irritation to your skin. From this being my first time using Simple products I will definitely be getting more as they aren't badly priced either.
Have you got any products that you can recommend for bad break outs? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Simple Spotless Skin Triple Action Face Wash it is said that with this product you should be able to see results from the 1st day of using it, which I 100% agree with as the redness in my spots had gone down and they were starting to fade. I'm glad I decided to try this product when my skin was really bad so I could give a full opinion on if it worked etc which it did! I am still using it but I will definitely be repurchasing this product. RRP £2.49 (this is with a third off on Superdrug)

I also saw the Simple Spotless Skin Spot Zapper which I wasn't going to originally get but with my skin being so bad I wanted practically everything just to try and reduce them down. According to this product it is suppose to help reduce spots within 4 hours of them appearing, like who wouldn't want a product that does this?! When I first tried this product I had a freshly clean face after using the face wash and you could feel it working as it tingles when you apply it to the affected areas. This is definitely a quick alternative if you have a new spot appearing, this might have worked faster for me if I had this when my spots first appeared but I didn't. After using it though the next day I saw a big difference which I'm guessing is from both of these products. RRP £3.65 (this is with a third off on Superdrug)
If you have had a bad break out then I definitely recommend this product for you, it has helped to take the redness down in my spots dramatically! Or if you suffer from acne or spot prone skin then this should really help your skin. Simple products are suitable for all skin types even sensitive so they don't cause no irritation to your skin. From this being my first time using Simple products I will definitely be getting more as they aren't badly priced either.
Have you got any products that you can recommend for bad break outs? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 18 February 2016
MAC Pro Longwear SPF 10 Foundation Review

Pro Longwear is said to give you up to 15 hours of wear in any environmental condition, which of course that is something everyone wants from a foundation. I am quite picky when it comes to foundations I'd prefer to not feel like I have any foundation on which this definitely does it is extremely lightweight and can be easily buildable giving you your desired coverage whether it's sheer and medium coverage. I get a nice medium coverage especially on bad skin days.
Another pro of the Pro Longwear foundation is that it has SPF in it which is perfect if you was to use this every day, as it helps you to protect your skin against the sun. This is helpful so when it comes to summer you won't need to put sun cream on underneath the foundation. There is a good colour range making this suitable for anyone and everyone, so don't worry if you don't think they will do your shade because trust me I'm sure there will be a shade for you!
The price of this foundation is £25.50 which compared to drug stores it can be a bit expensive but the amount of product you need to use at a time is not a lot, this depending on the coverage you're wanting to achieve. I use this mainly on special occasions but I have found myself reaching to it a lot more recently. MAC have a great offer too so that if you do use a lot of their foundations etc if you collect 4 plastic of glass bottles you can take them back to redeem a free lipstick. So definitely
remember to keep hold of your empties!!
If you're considering trying any of MAC's foundations, I would definitely recommend going into the shop and speaking to one of the MAC artists - as they will be able to point you in the right direction of which foundation is best suited for you and what you want from a foundation. I put going to buy a MAC foundation for so long because I wasn't sure what colour I would be until I bit the bullet and went in to get matched, made my life a lot more easier and it was a much more pleasant experience.
What's your favourite high end foundation? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge Review
Over the past few months beauty blenders have been a big thing to come out in make up, it wasn't until recently that I had decided to try them out and got my first ever one in a GlossyBox. I didn't think I was going to like them at first but when I tried it I was pleasantly surprised. You have a point on one end which helps with precision such as concealer under your eyes and smaller places, then you have a flat end which has a larger surface area which is ideal for applying foundation.
Beauty Blenders are best used damp which can I just say they practically double in size but you can use them dry too. It helps to give you that photoshop flawless finish to your foundation and concealer, but you can use them for practically anything. I use mine to blend my foundation out or I use it alongside a brush and use the beauty blender to dap all over my face to remove any excess product which I might have on my face. They can soak up your product so you can feel like you're losing some of your product so I tend to apply the product to my face first - then use the beauty blender to blend it all out.
I often got creasing under my eyes from my concealer but using my beauty blender to dab under my eye before I apply my powder helps to prevent creasing from it taking away any excess product I have. In my opinion the Real Techniques sponge is the best one I have tried, apparently the beauty blender is suppose to be good but I haven't wanted to spend money on another when I have 5 at home. Yes this is excessive but I got some for Christmas so I am definitely well stocked up. Real Techniques gives you the option to buy one or you can buy 2 which when I got mine they were on offer in Superdrug so I definitely recommend keeping an eye out for any offers which might appear.
If you're like me and have heard the horror stories on YouTube etc about bugs being in them that did put me off at first. But I don't think that it's true I would just say make sure that you always wash them thoroughly to make sure you get any excess product out and to clean away any bacteria. They do have a beauty blender soap which you can use or if you just want a cheap alternative I use baby shampoo works exactly the same!
I definitely recommend giving them a go they're worth it and have so many different uses to them. I am glad I jumped on the band wagon when I did, my make up has never looked more flawless ever! I owe a thanks to my beauty blender for that!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Beauty Blenders are best used damp which can I just say they practically double in size but you can use them dry too. It helps to give you that photoshop flawless finish to your foundation and concealer, but you can use them for practically anything. I use mine to blend my foundation out or I use it alongside a brush and use the beauty blender to dap all over my face to remove any excess product which I might have on my face. They can soak up your product so you can feel like you're losing some of your product so I tend to apply the product to my face first - then use the beauty blender to blend it all out.
I often got creasing under my eyes from my concealer but using my beauty blender to dab under my eye before I apply my powder helps to prevent creasing from it taking away any excess product I have. In my opinion the Real Techniques sponge is the best one I have tried, apparently the beauty blender is suppose to be good but I haven't wanted to spend money on another when I have 5 at home. Yes this is excessive but I got some for Christmas so I am definitely well stocked up. Real Techniques gives you the option to buy one or you can buy 2 which when I got mine they were on offer in Superdrug so I definitely recommend keeping an eye out for any offers which might appear.
If you're like me and have heard the horror stories on YouTube etc about bugs being in them that did put me off at first. But I don't think that it's true I would just say make sure that you always wash them thoroughly to make sure you get any excess product out and to clean away any bacteria. They do have a beauty blender soap which you can use or if you just want a cheap alternative I use baby shampoo works exactly the same!
I definitely recommend giving them a go they're worth it and have so many different uses to them. I am glad I jumped on the band wagon when I did, my make up has never looked more flawless ever! I owe a thanks to my beauty blender for that!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Review!
Liz Earle is a brand I have always wanted to try after hearing so much from YouTubers and fellow Bloggers I decided that I would ask for some for Christmas which I got a range of different ones from her range. I have been loving the Cleanse and Polish so much! I am lucky enough to have two bottles of it, one being the Christmas Limited Edition and then the original one which they have. I have been using the Christmas one which my friend got my for Christmas. Can I just add the smell is amazing!!
Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser is definitely one of the best make up removers if you have had a lot of make up on, this is definitely why I use it. I only use the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish when I have had a full face of make up on all day. You can use this on a day to day basis but I just prefer using it when I have had make up on. It has lots of natural ingredients which all help your skin be at its best.
How it use it;
- Apply the Cleanse and Polish all over your face, it doesn't need to be wet.
- With lukewarm water put the muslin cloth in the water and drain it out.
- Slowly wipe over your face using a clean part of the cloth.
- Wash any remaining product off with clean lukewarm water.
- Splash cold water on your face once clean.
- Pat dry with a clean towel.
Cleanse and Polish can be used all over your face as well as on your eyes, it helps to melt your make up so when it comes to wiping it off there is nothing left. Even with eyeliner I use to find this quite difficult to fully remove but after trying this I haven't had that problem since. I would say that this product is ideal for all skin types as it causes no irritation but obviously it's different for everyone. I recommend this product to anyone that is wanting a good make up remover cleanser that actually works, with it only being £15.50 for a 100ml bottle and you get a muslin cloth with this it is worth it! You can get different size bottles so if you aren't wanting to pay that amount of money you can go for smaller cheaper bottles.
Have you got any favourite face products? Let me know in the comments!
(Sorry this is up later than 5pm, I forgot to click schedule!)
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser is definitely one of the best make up removers if you have had a lot of make up on, this is definitely why I use it. I only use the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish when I have had a full face of make up on all day. You can use this on a day to day basis but I just prefer using it when I have had make up on. It has lots of natural ingredients which all help your skin be at its best.
How it use it;
- Apply the Cleanse and Polish all over your face, it doesn't need to be wet.
- With lukewarm water put the muslin cloth in the water and drain it out.
- Slowly wipe over your face using a clean part of the cloth.
- Wash any remaining product off with clean lukewarm water.
- Splash cold water on your face once clean.
- Pat dry with a clean towel.
Cleanse and Polish can be used all over your face as well as on your eyes, it helps to melt your make up so when it comes to wiping it off there is nothing left. Even with eyeliner I use to find this quite difficult to fully remove but after trying this I haven't had that problem since. I would say that this product is ideal for all skin types as it causes no irritation but obviously it's different for everyone. I recommend this product to anyone that is wanting a good make up remover cleanser that actually works, with it only being £15.50 for a 100ml bottle and you get a muslin cloth with this it is worth it! You can get different size bottles so if you aren't wanting to pay that amount of money you can go for smaller cheaper bottles.
Have you got any favourite face products? Let me know in the comments!
(Sorry this is up later than 5pm, I forgot to click schedule!)
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 11 February 2016
PLL Returns!
So Pretty Little Liars returned a few weeks ago which has kept everyone in suspense, I am probably a little late writing this post with it being back for a few weeks but no time like the present! If you don't know about Pretty Little Liars then where have you been?! It's amazing!! But basically it's about some teenage girls who are being followed by someone who goes by the identity of 'A' this is the main plot of the series where they try and find out who it is, it was also one of the things that left millions of viewers in suspense every episode until 'A' was revealed which I won't ruin that for you but if you haven't watched it or thinking of watching it I 100% recommend it!
The new season is a change on the past seasons with it being set 5 years in the future when they have grown up, gone to college and got jobs. Without giving too much away they return back to Rosewood for some commitments which then starts it all off again but that is all I am saying in case anyone reading this hasn't watched it before and wants to watch it. To me the new season is quite similar to the first ever one which the first episode you could see the similarities in it. But this is definitely going to be a good season I am hooked again and gained my love again for Pretty Little Liars. It is due to finish for good shortly after this season or they have one more but I am going to be lost without it! I will end up buying the DVD box set just so I have it whenever I want hahaha!
This is again another short post I haven't being feeling too good so I have been putting off blog posts as I have just been wanting to sleep most of the time when I get home from work. But I have booked a few days off work so I will be able to put a lot more effort into blog posts.
Have you watched PLL? What do you think of the new season? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
The new season is a change on the past seasons with it being set 5 years in the future when they have grown up, gone to college and got jobs. Without giving too much away they return back to Rosewood for some commitments which then starts it all off again but that is all I am saying in case anyone reading this hasn't watched it before and wants to watch it. To me the new season is quite similar to the first ever one which the first episode you could see the similarities in it. But this is definitely going to be a good season I am hooked again and gained my love again for Pretty Little Liars. It is due to finish for good shortly after this season or they have one more but I am going to be lost without it! I will end up buying the DVD box set just so I have it whenever I want hahaha!
This is again another short post I haven't being feeling too good so I have been putting off blog posts as I have just been wanting to sleep most of the time when I get home from work. But I have booked a few days off work so I will be able to put a lot more effort into blog posts.
Have you watched PLL? What do you think of the new season? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Potential Series Starting?!?
This is only a short post today as I didn't have time to put together a good one for Tuesday but I didn't want to miss a day as I have been doing really well at scheduling and having posts going up on a frequent basis. So I thought I'd talk to you about an idea I am thinking of doing...
The idea is doing some sort of series of blog posts maybe once a week or every so often, and it will be similar to when I do my monthly favourites but it will be my favourites of a certain type of make up - such as favourite bronzers, favourite highlighters etc. I might then speak about my top 3 that I couldn't live without or that I would definitely repurchase when I have used it all. I'd also do something like my top 5 from a brand such as MAC, Benefit, Nars etc obviously this would depend on how much I own from that brand.
These would include both high end and drug store so then I am covering a lot more ground with different products. I am not 100% sure if I am going to be doing this but it entered my head a few days ago and I think it would be quite fun to do.
Let me know what you think of this idea in the comments! I'd love some feedback!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
The idea is doing some sort of series of blog posts maybe once a week or every so often, and it will be similar to when I do my monthly favourites but it will be my favourites of a certain type of make up - such as favourite bronzers, favourite highlighters etc. I might then speak about my top 3 that I couldn't live without or that I would definitely repurchase when I have used it all. I'd also do something like my top 5 from a brand such as MAC, Benefit, Nars etc obviously this would depend on how much I own from that brand.
These would include both high end and drug store so then I am covering a lot more ground with different products. I am not 100% sure if I am going to be doing this but it entered my head a few days ago and I think it would be quite fun to do.
Let me know what you think of this idea in the comments! I'd love some feedback!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 7 February 2016
MAC Viva Glam Ariana Grande Edition!
MAC if you don't know already have a Viva Glam range where celebrities are able to create a lipstick and a lip glass of their choice. Celebrities that have been apart of this are people like Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and now Ariana Grande. MAC also have their very own range of Viva Glam lipsticks which they have designed themselves.
Viva Glam is amazing because of the charity work behind it, this is when MAC sell any Viva Glam lipstick or lip glass any of the money goes to the MAC Aids Fund. None of the money spent on this goes to MAC which to me I find amazing you're doing your bit for charity whilst buying a lipstick. Which this is going to be helping men, women and children all over who are affected by HIV or AIDS.
Now lets look at Ariana's Viva Glam range! Ariana decided to go with a bad girl/good girl vibe the tag line being "good girl? bad girl? glam girl?" which I love the big difference in both of the products she brought out. The bad girl side is shown in the lipstick with it being a deep matte plum shade and the good being shown in the lip glass with it being a shimmering pink. These products look amazing either alone or together!

Both products are still available to buy offline, the lipstick is £15.50 and the lip glass is £14.50. Of course both products are in their statement Viva Glam packaging the traditional MAC packaging with the celebrities autograph across it in red writing.
Have you got Ariana's range? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Make Up Revolution Pro Cleanse Brush Tool Review
I am all about trying out new things especially when it comes to something which could potentially help me clean my brushes a lot faster and easier. I have used some products from Make Up Revolution before which have been amazing! I didn't know they had brought out their own brush tool to help you clean your brushes. This has been something which I have seen a few different brands bring out such as Real Techniques. I bought this because why not surely it's going to be worth it especially with it only being £4.99, this to me is quite inexpensive if it does its job. I picked mine up from Superdrug but they do have it on their website.
After using this the other day I thought I would share my thoughts I have quite mixed reviews on this product but I'm not saying it's bad because it isn't it's definitely worth the money. Lets look at the pros and cons.
- it is a lot easier and faster when it comes to cleaning my brushes, it definitely saves me a lot of time compared to when I would clean my brushes without the tool.
- the bumps help remove more make up giving it more of a deep clean which helps reach further up the bristles, the places which you might not be able to give a good clean without the tool.
- the price for this product is amazing for what you get, and you aren't over spending.
- it will last a long time so is definitely a good investment.
- great for eye brushes and concealer brushes.
- the surface area of the tool is too small it is ideal for eye brushes, but as soon as you want to clean bigger brushes such as powder brushes it takes a lot longer because all of the brush doesn't fit. This meaning you have to spend more time on that brush giving it multiple washes.
- there is a lot more better ones on the market such as Real Techniques they have a bigger area to work with and they will only be a few more pounds expensive.
- after cleaning your brushes for a long time it does get kind of uncomfortable after so long with you wearing it on two fingers when cleaning the brushes.
Overall I will still use this tool but I think I will be looking into buying the Real Techniques one just with them being a lot bigger so I can use it for all my brushes. By all means this is a great product especially for eye brushes you will definitely get a good clean with your brushes in a lot less time, you also can't go wrong as it's pretty self explanatory. If I only have a few brushes I probably would just stick to using my hand as I wouldn't see this as a necessary item for someone to have, unless you do have a lot of make up brushes it will just help reduce down the time you spend cleaning them.
Have you tried any of these tools? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Nivea Men Post Shave Balm Review
I mentioned this in my January favourites and that I was going to do a much more in depth review of this product. If you don't know already the Nivea Men Post Shave Balm has been getting hyped about all over the YouTube and Blogging community. I heard about this from NikkieTutorials, JaclynHill and KathleenLights and I have now seen so many more people start using it. So around the middle of January I thought why not try so I decided to get some at the time it was on offer in Superdrug which I'm not 100% sure if it is now. But I got mine from Sainsbury's for £3 which is amazing becasue you get a big bottle too!
I followed what most YouTubers do and just keep rubbing it in until the product becomes tacky which then gives it the primer effect which is amazing! The added bonus is the smell yes it smells really manly but it's amazing. The Nivea Post Shave Balm is good for being a prime because it contains Glycerin which is one of the main ingredients that is put into primers. You could probably use this as an eyeshadow primer as well as a face primer.
In my opinion this is better than any primer I have tried before, I was at a trampoline park the other day and had my normal make up on just not as much and of course when you're jumping about you get sweaty and hot and I came out of there and none of my make up had moved at all, which to me is ideal and everything I want from a face primer. I can see this becoming one of my holy grail primers over any other primer that I have. At first when I tried this with my MAC Pro Longwear I thought it didn't work well with it but it turned out it was the brush. This goes on so smoothly over the top of the post shave balm which I put over the top of MAC Strobe Cream. I have the sensitive one so if you have sensitive skin then this is probably the best for you but obviously it works different on all skin types.
If you're wanting a different primer or a new one then I 100% recommend this if anyone asks me now for any primer recommendations then I will be telling them about this, I can only sing this product praises. It's also a bonus that the money which people would spend on a high end primer you can get something just as good or even better 10 times cheaper. It is also cheaper than most drug store primers and you get a lot for your money, so if it works for you it's a win win situation.
Have you tried Nivea Post Shave Balm? What do you think? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 31 January 2016
January Favourites
January has been the month of saving for most people me being one of them. I didn't know how hard it was to actually save money I did fail on some occasions because of course there is always sales when I want to save money. So I haven't tried lots of new stuff this month but there is something I have fallen in love with! So here are my favourites for January!
Nivea Post Shave Balm has been hyped up by so many YouTubers such as NikkieTutorials, JaclynHill and KathleenLights. When so many people have nothing but good reviews on a product I NEED to try it and I am so glad I did! It is amazing, so much better than any other primers. I will be doing a full review on this so won't go into much detail.
Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliner this was a purchase I got on a one off just to try it and have fallen in love with it, I use to always use my Soap and Glory Kohl Liner but I always noticed that it would gradually work its way down under my eyes. These Urban Decay ones don't move at all! Urban Decay say that these eyeliners set after a few seconds so they don't move during the day which for me is amazing!
I was late to the Mary Lou Manizer hype but it is definitely worth it, you don't need much of this product for it to look amazing! TheBalm is seen as a drugstore product with it being available in Superdrug however it is inexpensive but still has a high mark so could potentially be high end make up too. But this is definitely worth the money you pay for it, it has a lovely champagne colour to it which catches the light and looks amazing especially on all skin tones!
MAC Pro Longwear in NW15 is another favourite of mine I always put off MAC foundation until I decided to bite the bullet and get some and I have found my favourite foundation ever, compared to the others I have used this is one I have been obsessed with this month. I will be doing a review on this also in another post.
I have been wanting to try and meditate a lot more and relax after I have had quite a bit of stress from work the past week, I read through my sisters Calm book and saw that they had an app so I downloaded it and it is really good, you are limited to what you can do unless you subscribe which I haven't done. But the past week before going to sleep I have been listening to it and it has helped send me to sleep so easy instead of tossing and turning. I also feel a lot more relaxed before I go to sleep which helps me get a good nights sleep. So if you are wanting to relax or need help trying to sleep I would 100% recommend the Calm app.
What are your January favourites? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 28 January 2016
MAC Ellie Goulding Collection!
MAC collaborated with Ellie Goulding to bring out a whole new collection, this was released Mid-December 2015. The collection was a range of pinks, corals and nudes which are the colours Ellie uses most in her signature looks. For me these colours are ideal as these are my go to colours when I do my make up. The packaging for this line in my opinion I love it, it's so simple ad classy with the black background with rose gold detailing - this is the same for the boxes it has a rose gold inside which is a nice touch. The products I purchased from this line are;
Powder Blush in I'll Hold My Breath - this combines two products one being a bronzer and the other a blush, the bronzer is a lovely warm-toned with flecks of gold shimmer in it. The shade reminds me of Laguna by NARS. I have quite fair skin and it works amazingly making sure I don't look too orange which I often have a problem with when it comes to bronzers. The blush in this is a peachy pink pearl with has a lovely shine to it, giving the skin a nice glow. The blush and bronzer work really nice with each other by complimenting the skin lovely.You can either lightly apply this or you can build it up nicely, these colours will work on all different types of skin tones. The finish of the bronzer is matte and the finish of the blush is satin, these also feel amazing and creamy when you're applying.
Plushglass in Explosion - this is a clear gloss which has gold flecks of glitter in it giving it an amazing finish, in some products which have glitter in them you can't really tell but in this you can definitely see the glitter! You can wear this on it's own or over a lipstick. It is creamy when applied and lasts for a while unless of course you're eating it will come off slowly but this can easily be topped up. This is the perfect subtle shade for an everyday look or even to be used for a night time look for the glitter.
PatentPolish Lip Pencil in Innocent - I have never used one of the PatentPolish lip pencils before so decided I would give it a go with a nude, and I was definitely happy I did! They are super creamy and give a lot of colour pay off on the lips depending on the finish you want from this. But from just applying one coat you get an amazing colour from it. The finish you get from this is a lovely shine so this could be applied over a lipstick if you wanted to either lighten the middle of your lips or add an overall gloss. There was another colour which she did bring out but it was a coral and I don't think I would have worn that one as much as I would wear this. Innocent has a everyday vibe to it which is ideal if you don't want to go overboard with make up but want to put a little on.
Cremesheen Lipstick in Without Your Love - just your typical MAC lipstick really however they have added a lot more detail to it, you can see this in the picture I have attached. They went and added the logo for this collection onto the lipstick which is amazing but doesn't make me want to wear it because it looks stunning! I went for the lighter pink over the coral as like I have mentioned before I tend to go for these colours and they work with my skin tone. I have yet to try it but I think that Explosion would look amazing over the top of this lipstick to give it that extra added sparkle. Both lipsticks in this collection have a Cremesheen finish which is one of my favourite finishes by MAC as it leaves my lips feeling super moisturised and soft during the day.
Overall I really like this collection, if I was to bring out my own collection with MAC it would definitely be along the lines of this. I still think you can get a few items of Ellie's collection but I'd hurry as I'm not too sure when it will be gone. I do know a few products such as the lipsticks are out of stock which is a shame. I tend to be that person that always misses out on the new collections but this time I was on time and managed to bag myself some goodies!
Did you try any of the products from Ellie's line? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Freedom Pro Contour Palette
Contour palettes are being hyped about a lot in make up whether it's the Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit, Kat Von D Light and Shade Palette or the NYX Contour Palette. There is so many on the market now and recently I have been loving contouring! I was in Superdrug and came across a brand which I have never heard of but I knew it was new to Superdrug which is Freedom Cosmetics who aim to give you good high end products with a drug store price, they have a lot of beauty products which can be aimed at make up artists such as a brow bar similar to the Anastasia Beverly Hills one which has every shade you could possibly need.
I however fell in love with their Pro Contour Palette (buy it here) they do this in either a cream formulation or powder which both are only £10. I went for the powder one as I feel like I am much better at applying powders over cream products. In the palette you get 6 shades altogether 2 x Matte Highlighters, 1 x Shimmer Highlighter and 3 x Matte Contour Shades.
The variety of contour shades are amazing if you want a light, medium or dark contour or if you want to mix two of them. I noticed when I first used these they are VERY pigmented, trust me. I needed to do a hell of a lot of blending to reduce down the amount of product which I had put on as I wasn't expecting it to be so pigmented. A little definitely goes a long way!
With the higlighting shades I haven't really used the end shimmer highlighter but that is also very pigmented it has a very cool undertone to it and is again very pigmented. The middle highlight shade reminds me of the Ben Nye Banana Powder which I use this under my eyes to set my concealer and it works amazingly to prevent any creasing under my eye during the day. The first highlight shade in the palette is very skin toned for me it just being a little lighter than my foundation. I use this just below my contour so it makes my contour a little more prominent but not too much.
With the kit you get a Pro Strobe Brush which is ideal for contour, it is similar to the Nars Ita brush and the brushes you get when you purchase Benefit Hoola Bronzer etc. With it is being very slim it allows you to focus on certain points easily so you can pack the product on and then blend it out easily. This would also be ideal if you like to bake with your powder, if you like to use the technique which I have seen Jaclyn Hill use a lot when she bakes her powder under her contour. This is also ideal for people who are new to contouring and highlighting as the box shows you where to apply the different powders to get the best out of them.
Have you tried this? Do you know any good contouring and highlighting palettes? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 24 January 2016
I'm Going To IMATS London 2016!!
If you don't already know IMATS is International Make-Up Artist Trade Show which is held every year in Toronto, Sydney, Los Angeles, New York, Vancouver and London. I have always seen so much said about this and seen so many people vlog and blog about going, and it looks amazing! They have a large range of different Make-Up brands which participate in the trade show. The trade show is mainly for people who have an interest in make up, work in the make up industry either in special fx, TV or film etc.
Brands which are scheduled to be at the London one this year are popular brands such as MAC Cosmetics, Urban Decay, Make Up Forever, Bobbi Brown and NYX Cosmetics etc, there is also other brands which you can't either get in the UK such as NYX but this has recently become more available in the UK now as well as other brands which aren't very known. IMATS you can sometimes get some good bargains as some stalls might have from 20% - 50% off their products which any make up lover will jump at the chance to get new products at such an affordable price.
I am going to the Saturday 4th June one and I am definitely going to start the saving now if I do want to buy anything! But I am looking forward to seeing some of the amazing pieces of art that some of the artists can make because it blows your mind away at what make up can achieve!
Tickets cost £45 and after the 19th April go up to £50 you can buy tickets on the door but I know they are definitely more expensive if you do that. I am so excited to be eventually attending IMATS London! I will definitely be doing a post on my visit there and the things which I purchased.
Have you ever been to IMATS? Any suggestions? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Victoria's Secret Christmas Sales Haul!
This is the last haul that I will be doing with the Christmas Sales, I eventually received my parcel from Victoria's Secret and yes it was definitely a bag full of goodies! The only downside to this order was having to pay the Shipping and Taxes as it was sent over from America however I still managed to get some amazing deals in the sale. They had underwear from £4.99 down to £2.99 so I managed to grab around 10 pairs of these and can I say these are the best I have ever worn!! I don't know why I haven't had these sooner I have definitely being missing out on these.
I picked up a jumper from PINK! which was just a thin plain white jumper that said "GO PINK OR GO HOME" on the back with "PINK NATION" printed just on the front on the left hand side, this is the most comfiest jumper ever just to have as a lounge around. I did pick up another jumper when I went into Victoria's Secret just after my birthday and got a coral jumper which says "Victoria" across the front - this again is another comfy lounge about jumper but you could probably get away with going out in these if you needed to quickly go to the shops.
The sleepshirts which Victoria's Secret do are amazing quality and are so nice to sleep in they don't stick to you and you have more than enough room in them to move about. I picked up two one which was the classic pink and white stripes that had "Angel Victoria's Secret" on the front and another one which was hot pink that had "I look best undressed" printed on the front. Then I got a PJ set which was a 3/4 length sleeve top which says "LOVE VICTORIA'S SECRET" on it which had matching shorts to go with it. All of these had 50% off and if you know Victoria's Secret you know how pricey it can be in there so this was definitely a good purchase.
Online I got one of the classic PINK dog ornaments which everyone seems to have I got the small gold foil one which has black PINK all over it to stick with my theme in my room, and finally I got a vest which just says Victoria's Secret on the front it is a racer back style on the back and is quite oversized as well making it ideal sleepwear or loungewear.
I have definitely had a Victoria's Secret hole in my life which is now filled and will definitely be going back! I can't believe I have not had this in my life until now.
I can't show you a lot of these products as they have been worn and in the wash, so I apologise for the lack of pictures. But I will try get a few images off the website to show you.
Have you grabbed any good bargains from Victoria's Secret? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
I picked up a jumper from PINK! which was just a thin plain white jumper that said "GO PINK OR GO HOME" on the back with "PINK NATION" printed just on the front on the left hand side, this is the most comfiest jumper ever just to have as a lounge around. I did pick up another jumper when I went into Victoria's Secret just after my birthday and got a coral jumper which says "Victoria" across the front - this again is another comfy lounge about jumper but you could probably get away with going out in these if you needed to quickly go to the shops.
I have definitely had a Victoria's Secret hole in my life which is now filled and will definitely be going back! I can't believe I have not had this in my life until now.
I can't show you a lot of these products as they have been worn and in the wash, so I apologise for the lack of pictures. But I will try get a few images off the website to show you.
Have you grabbed any good bargains from Victoria's Secret? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
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