I bet you're all wondering where I have been for the past month well I haven't really had much motivation for doing blog posts and I didn't want to force myself to write something which I didn't really want to write. I have also been suffering with a really bad sore throat for the past month so not been feeling myself. I just needed some me time really but now I am back and hopefully have a lot more inspiration for my blog! Sorry if there is anyone that has been wondering where i disappeared to but I am back!!
I have also decided that I am going to do a new schedule of uploading on a Wednesday and a Sunday at 5pm! I will then hopefully be able to work much harder on these posts instead of having to rush them if I haven't had any time to write any, then them not being my best.
Sorry for being absent for so long! Thank you if you read my blog it means a lot and I hope you continue to enjoy my posts like I enjoy writing them.
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Beauty Infusions
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Tag!
I've been tagged by Emma to do the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Tag. You can see her post here. I had never heard of this tag before but after reading Emma's you basically get given some questions from whoever nominated you, and just simply answer them. After I have answered them I will nominate some people.
- What is your favourite thing to have for breakfast? I love to have pancakes with either just butter or some honey on them. I usually onto have them with butter on though.
- What are your favourite TV shows to watch? I have always been a fan of Eastenders and Pretty Little Liars. But I also really enjoy Geordie Shore and Ex On The Beach.
- Do you collect anything? Not really if I'd say make up as it is something I am always buying and wanting more of. Especially MAC lipsticks.
- What type of music do you like listening to? What bands and songs are you loving right now? I can listen to pretty much anything, my music taste is always changing. But lately I have really been loving The 1975 and their new album.
- Do you have any pets? I have 3 Westies, a parrot, bearded dragon and a rabbit (the rabbit is my sisters).
- Where do you do most of your blogging (bedroom, study, train...)? I usually do my blogging in my bedroom but sometimes in my living room depending if I am watching something on TV.
- What is your current favourite perfume? My favourite perfume at the moment is Victoria's Secrets Scandalous or my Viktor and Rolf Bon Bon perfume.
- Where would your dream vacation destination be? There is so many places that I want to visit but I must say that I would give anything to go to America New York. It looks amazing and seeing pictures makes me want to go even more! Fingers crossed I will be going next year with my friends.
- Do you have a go to outfit? Recently my go to outfit has been my Toyshop Joni jeans, high neck jumpers or tops and my black boots with my leather jacket. That is literally all I wear at the moment, it's too predictable.
- What do you love most about where you live? There isn't much really to do, but it is where I have grown up so everything has it's memories to it. But the main city centre has improved so it is getting better hahaha!
- Do you have any phobias? I actually have quite a lot mainly insects like spiders and a weird one is flies I don't know what it is about them but I can't stand them. I could be here forever listing my phobias.
So I've answered my questions that Emma tagged me in now for the people I nominate...
- Kim - Blogobvious
- Liva - Livabambale
- Ella - Inkdreaming
- Erica - imbeingerica
- Emilina - emilinalove
- Lucy - ljlv
- Yasmin - YasminStefanie
- Paige - beautyandmexo
- Mollie - mollievictoriabeauty
- Paige - wanderthroughpaiges
Here are my questions for you!
- What would be your dream job if you could do anything?
- Favourite childhood memory?
- What are your favourite things to blog about?
- Favourite item of make up? and brand?
- When you aren't blogging what do you enjoy doing?
- What is your favourite time of year?
- If you could meet any celebrity who would you meet?
- If you could only use one social media site, which would you use?
- What are you passionate about?
- Guilty pleasure?
- What is your prized possession?
You don't have to join in if you don't want to but it's always nice to. If you do join in with this then please tag me as I would love to read yours!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 17 March 2016
BeautyBay Haul!
BeautyBay is something I have heard so many people go on about buying from for certain brands and I had put off buying something from there for so long, as I was suppose to be saving up...yeah that didn't really go to plan. I only purchased a few items as it was my first time ordering with them and didn't want to spend too much just incase. I am glad I did this as when I placed my order it arrived but none of my items were in the box, after speaking to them the only conclusion was that they got taken during transit. Luckily this was sorted quickly and they resent me the items after they had looked into the situation and I had them within a day. Anyways I received my items and they were perfect!
First off I have been wanting to try Gerard Cosmetics for so long especially their Hydra Matte Liquid Lipsticks I purchased two of these in Invasion and Ecstasy. I had wanted Invasion for so long as the colour was just so different and it was a colour that I needed to own. These were also my very first liquid lipsticks to try as I have only just got on the hype with these but I can definitely see me purchasing more in the future. At first I wasn't too keen on the lipsticks once they had dried because when you press your lips together they feel a bit sticky, which I did think would bother me but when I put the lipstick on and wore it out for the full day I realised that I didn't really notice the stickiness of the product. As it is a matte lipstick too some people can be worried that it is going to dry their lips out the next day, which I didn't really notice this but that could be just due to the fact that before I sleep I always put lip balm on.
They claim to be long lasting which is true I had mine on for over 6 hours and I didn't need to reapply within that time, which of course that is what you want if they claim it is long lasting. In the pictures you can see the colours are very similar apart from Ecstasy has more purple tones in it. These liquid lipsticks were £9.50 each which depending on your budget could be high priced or just in the middle. I am not 100% sure on if Gerard Cosmetics is seen as a drugstore or high end brand as they seem to be sat right in the middle just more to the high end side of the scale.
My next item I bought was an impulse buy from just seeing it, I knew I needed to purchase it. Lately I have been really enjoying contour, bronzer and highlighter it is one of the things I spend most of my time on when I am doing my make up. The Zoeva Rose Golden Blush Palette the Rose Golden packaging with embossed detailing is just amazing and definitely something which appealed to me. This palette has a contour/bronzer shade, highlight and a blush - which all work amazingly together. Another thing I love about this palette is the names for the products as they're based around Princess related words, which to me you can see from the palette it has that in my opinion royal elegant touch added to it. The price of this palette is £13 and in my opinion it was a £13 well spent as I am now just completely in love with this palette.

I can be quite picky when it comes to contour shades as I don't want it to be too orange on my skin or for it to look muddy. Zoeva have done an amazing job on this contour shade called 'Heavy Crown' as it is very light ideal for fair skin like myself, it is also very buildable so you can get a soft or a strong contour which can be blended out really easily. However it does take a good few times to actually get some colour pay off which sucks but I guess this is good if you're a bit too heavy handed.
The highlighter in this palette also has a gorgeous name which is 'Glowing Still' and when I first did a swatch with this it looked very white which made me worried that I was going to put it on and it would be super noticeable, this wasn't the case. It reminded me a lot of my Mary Lou from TheBalm but it wasn't as golden. It had more of a white iridescent colour to it which from all the highlighters I own none of them have this. I put both this and my Mary Lou together and they just complimented each other so well.
Finally the last product in this trio is the rose golden blush called 'Palace Door' which is a peach toned shimmer blush with rose gold mixed in with it. Applying this lightly gives a nice glow to the skin and compliments both the contour and highlighter, I didn't want to apply too much as it is easier to add than it is to take off. All the colours in this palette are super pigmented and creamy making them all easy to blend out. I can definitely see this becoming one of my holy grail products the only downside is there is no refill pans if you do need to replace them which is a shame.
I am really wanting to know some more good liquid lipsticks that are worth their money, so please let me know in the comments! Really want to get some more!!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
The 1975 Tour Manchester!
As I am writing this I am currently sat listening to their music wishing I was at the show again tonight. If you didn't guess from the title of this blog post then yeah I went to see The 1975 in Manchester at the O2 Apollo 13th March! On their 'I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.'
I have seen them twice in the past and knowing how good they were then I was even more excited to see what this tour would be like, especially with them having a new setlist with them bringing out their new album. On the previous tours they were so much more relaxed and it wasn't really the concert you would be stood up dancing because from listening to their songs they had laid back songs, however this time I was stood up for all of the concert which is something I had not done at the previous two concerts I had been to. But comparing their new album to their old one it is a lot more upbeat and does have songs which you can get up and dance to.
Matty from The 1975 whenever he sings the song 'Me' he always wants the crowd to not have their phones out and to just watch him preform that one song. This is something he has done every time I have seen them live as the song is very personal to him which you can sense that just from how he is singing it. They definitely know how to put on a show! When I first saw them it was soo different compared to other concerts I had been to.
I have been a fan of the 1975 for the past few years back when they would just post songs on YouTube and seeing how successful they have got over the years is unreal. For some reason I always get so emotional thinking about it, but of course anyone wants their favourite bands to do well in their journey. Their music is just different from everyday music which is what makes them stand out to me and what I love to this day about them.
All I can say is I had an amazing night and wish I could relive it over and over again. I also do kinda wish that I had bought more tickets to more shows just because I always have such a good time at their shows. If you are going to see the 1975 on their tour then I hope you have an amazing time! You won't be disappointed!
Are you a fan of the 1975? Have you seen them on tour? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
I have seen them twice in the past and knowing how good they were then I was even more excited to see what this tour would be like, especially with them having a new setlist with them bringing out their new album. On the previous tours they were so much more relaxed and it wasn't really the concert you would be stood up dancing because from listening to their songs they had laid back songs, however this time I was stood up for all of the concert which is something I had not done at the previous two concerts I had been to. But comparing their new album to their old one it is a lot more upbeat and does have songs which you can get up and dance to.
Matty from The 1975 whenever he sings the song 'Me' he always wants the crowd to not have their phones out and to just watch him preform that one song. This is something he has done every time I have seen them live as the song is very personal to him which you can sense that just from how he is singing it. They definitely know how to put on a show! When I first saw them it was soo different compared to other concerts I had been to.
I have been a fan of the 1975 for the past few years back when they would just post songs on YouTube and seeing how successful they have got over the years is unreal. For some reason I always get so emotional thinking about it, but of course anyone wants their favourite bands to do well in their journey. Their music is just different from everyday music which is what makes them stand out to me and what I love to this day about them.
All I can say is I had an amazing night and wish I could relive it over and over again. I also do kinda wish that I had bought more tickets to more shows just because I always have such a good time at their shows. If you are going to see the 1975 on their tour then I hope you have an amazing time! You won't be disappointed!
Are you a fan of the 1975? Have you seen them on tour? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Soap and Glory New Products For 2016!!
Soap and Glory have brought out a lot of new products to kick off 2016. I have been wanting to get my hands on these for a while now after seeing so many people talk about these products. Soap and Glory is definitely one brand that will always have a place in my heart, this was one of the first brands I used when I first started using make up. I went to my local Boots and was disappointed that they didn't have it so I had to travel into town to go to the bigger Boots which stocked it!
I didn't pick up much from the new line as I only got a few things which I was eager to try. The products I picked up were -

I also got a top up of my brow archery in blondeshell which is my holy grail and the only thing I use on my brows along with my gimme brow. I don't think I will ever be able to change as I have never found anything as good as that. It is the same thing I have used since I did my brows, that is definitely showing my love for this product as it gives a soft look to my brows. It is buildable if you want a strong brow but I personally think it works best for a soft brow.
Have you tried any of the new Soap and Glory products? What do you think of them? Let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Vanity Planet Ultimate Skin Spa Review
I have always wanted a Clarisonic but they were just always too expensive and I know when it comes to things like that I can use it endlessly and then not at all. So I was always open to a cheaper option but I wanted an option that would actually work. Then I came across Vanity Planet, I saw them after I was watching a YouTube video on their Skin Spa and they also had a discount code so instead of the product costing me $125 it had a discount where it didn't cost me half as much as what I would pay. Before purchasing it I watched a lot of reviews and also read reviews about this product and no one had nothing bad to say which I agree.
In the Ultimate Skin Spa you get a range of different heads for the machine which are:
- Daily Cleansing Brush which is made from soft bristles which are perfect if you have soft sensitive skin.
- Exfoliating Brush this is a lot more harder on your face as its main aim is to lift away any dirt from your face.
- Silicone Brush is there for when you want a deep but gentle clean which is ideal for dry or sensitive skin, the non-abrasive points work on gently removing any dead skin and unclog pores which will then prepare your skin for absorbing any face products.
It is recommended that for the best results with these brush heads that both your face and brush are wet prior to using the brush. To get the best from this brush with your product it is best that you keep the brush head flush to your skin, this is just to make sure that the motion of the brush is kept the same and doesn't reduce the effectiveness of it.
The machine is waterproof so can be used in the shower and runs on batteries so you don't have to worry about charging it up, I think this could have been a good thing for it as you could then leave it on charge over night but I guess using batteries isn't too bad - it is also batteries that you use in a day to day life so you won't have to go out hunting for a specific type when you receive your item.
I have used both the Daily Cleansing Brush and Exfoliating Brush so far and my skin felt amazing after using them, the facial wash that I used alongside this brush is the Soap and Glory Vitamin C Facial Wash. The movement of the brush head really helps to get into the skin and remove any dead skin. To me I find that when my face has been properly cleaned it works better with the products I put on after. I have also been trying to get a proper skin routine and I can definitely see myself working this into it.
If you're wanting a similar product to the Clarisonic I definitely recommend this, I would always look out for offers as they always seem to have offers on their site. The delivery isn't that bad either it takes around 2-3 working days which is just an added bonus (I think this product comes from america, not 100% sure though). The link for Vanity Planet and the Ultimate Skin Spa is here.
Have you tried this? or the clarisonic? What are your views? let me know in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
February Favourites!
Over the month of February I haven't really had many beauty favourites it has been more of a mix of random stuff. So this post is just a bit random if I'm honest! I have been loving a lot of things throughout the month of February. So lets jump in!
MacBook Pro this was my biggest investment within the month of February and definitely one I don't regret. It has changed my life, like I am so happy I stuck to my guns and got a MAC instead of just getting a new laptop. I had needed a new one for soo long it was unreal but I put up with my old one until it was basically just not working just so I could save up more for my MAC and now that I have it. I am so glad I did it! If you're thinking of getting a MAC in my opinion I think it is definitely worth the money if you're happy spending that amount of money on a MAC. But definitely do your research before as you would with any other laptop. I have the 13" MacBook Pro with retina display.
Another favourite which I have already done a post on is The 1975's new album 'I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.' this and their other album have just been on repeat. I am going to see them at the end of this week too so I am super hyped for that! if you haven't yet got their new album I 100% recommend it to you!!
When I come to think about it I do have a beauty favourite which is my brow archery by Soap and Glory I only really can class this as a favourite from just not knowing how much I did love it until I didn't have it. Like when this ran out I didn't think my eyebrows would be the same with other products that I have. My eyebrows have never been something that I have wanted to try loads of products for and I definitely think my Brow Archery is going to be one of my holy grails for such a long time.
I don't have that many favourites for February but I am hopefully going to have a lot more favourites during March! Let me know what your favourites from February were in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
MacBook Pro this was my biggest investment within the month of February and definitely one I don't regret. It has changed my life, like I am so happy I stuck to my guns and got a MAC instead of just getting a new laptop. I had needed a new one for soo long it was unreal but I put up with my old one until it was basically just not working just so I could save up more for my MAC and now that I have it. I am so glad I did it! If you're thinking of getting a MAC in my opinion I think it is definitely worth the money if you're happy spending that amount of money on a MAC. But definitely do your research before as you would with any other laptop. I have the 13" MacBook Pro with retina display.
Another favourite which I have already done a post on is The 1975's new album 'I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.' this and their other album have just been on repeat. I am going to see them at the end of this week too so I am super hyped for that! if you haven't yet got their new album I 100% recommend it to you!!
When I come to think about it I do have a beauty favourite which is my brow archery by Soap and Glory I only really can class this as a favourite from just not knowing how much I did love it until I didn't have it. Like when this ran out I didn't think my eyebrows would be the same with other products that I have. My eyebrows have never been something that I have wanted to try loads of products for and I definitely think my Brow Archery is going to be one of my holy grails for such a long time.
I don't have that many favourites for February but I am hopefully going to have a lot more favourites during March! Let me know what your favourites from February were in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Paige x
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